Saturday, June 25, 2011

Half-Assed Weekend

People seem to be giving me shit for wanting my swamp cooler to work. I'm not really sure why. Okay, has it gotten to triple digits where I am, no. But that is not the point.

The point is this: at least half the work I do is outside. In the sun. Where it's hot. My house, even with the windows open and fans on isn't the coolest place in the world. Wednesday night, it wouldn't cool off for shit, and slept without my covers until like 4am, when it finally cooled off enough.

I'm sorry, but if I'm sweating while doing nothing then there is an issue. Watching a movie from my perch on the couch really isn't much of a workout in the evening.

So, while I understand it's not in the triple digits just yet where I am, that doesn't mean I'm not doing something in that 85 to 95 degree weather that's making me hot. Or my house, which gets the sun until early evening.

Let me bitch about it people, it's my right.  ;o)


  1. I do not enjoy being overly hot at all. Luckily it has been breezy and cooling at night nicely most of the time. I HATE sweating in my sleep...waking with wet sheets and my hair plastered to my neck and face...that is NOT okay. Nothing worse than sweating sitting still. I feel ya and totally agree. Vent away!

  2. Bitch away my friend. I am going through the same thing. I do not like being too hot either. I usually freeze hubby outta the car!


  3. Jewels - Exactly. If I'm sweating, I better be doing something!

    CBG - Usually it's the guy that will freeze out the girl! lol

  4. We English folk are not used to this cruel sun.

  5. I'm southern and I hate feeling like I'm stuck to my shirt or sheets. I have battery operated fans that I keep with me. Seriously.

    You have every right to complain!!!

  6. But swamp coolers are there for a reason. You have every right to be annoyed if it doesn't work! I sure would be.

  7. Drake - Which cruel sin? The dreaded triple digit heat or lack of air conditioning? lol

    Frisky - I have visited the South on a few occasions. It was like hitting a wall of water the second you stepped outside. ICK.

    Soapbox - And hopefully the swamp cooler will be up and running this week. I went out and bought an 18" fan this past weekend for my bedroom. OH YEAH. lol
