Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Bachmann and Santorum Can Suck A Fart.

There really ought to be a law that keeps douche-canoes from running for president. Or any political office of any kind. This is why I despise politics - there are too many fucking idiots trying to outdo each other and don't use the brain filter that keeps stupid shit from spewing forth. And the fact that someone, in this day and age, can have such prejudicial feelings and can make such fucked up statements is the front runner Republican candidate for president makes me want to move anywhere but here. Please click here to read the article I'm referring to.

A few days ago, Michelle Gagman Bachmann signed a pledge or vow or whatever the hell you want to call it, that had this in the opening statement:

"Slavery had a disastrous impact on African-American families, yet sadly a child born into slavery in 1860 was more likely to be raised by his mother and father in a two-parent household than was an African-American baby born after the election of the USA's first African-American President."

Now, anyone in their right fucking mind and running for political office (in my mind) should have steered clear of anything with such a statement. If I remember right from my history classes, slaves where bought and sold on a regular basis and it was extremely rare for a family to not be separated at any given point - because their master's didn't give a shit. Also, the women were raped on a fairly regular basis - how fucking healthy is that for a child to grow up knowing that their mother is nothing more than some asshole's sex doll? Then I saw this:

"It's not clear whether Bachmann was aware of the slavery passage on the first page."

Um, what jackwagon signs something without reading it? Evidently, both Gagman Bachmann and some other douche nozzle named Rick Santorum signed some document about marriage vows.

"The Marriage Vow - A Declaration of Dependence Upon Marriage and Family,", their campaigns emphasized that the "candidate vow" portion of the pledge that they put their stamps of approval on didn't mention slavery. Instead, it condemned gay marriage, abortion, infidelity and pornography."

Now, if it was purposefully held from that, the whole bit about slavery, then that's one thing. Then the douche-baggery falls onto this Iowa group for witholding vital information from the jackwagon politians. However, while I understand that everyone has their own political view, their own familial views and all that stuff, is it really necessary to flat out say that your condemning homosexuality, abortion, infidelity, and pornography? Not everyone is into porn, I get that. So don't fucking watch it. Most people don't like infedelity (even though it happens a lot), so really, we didn't need to sign some vow about how much we hate it. Abortion is a woman's choice. It's a her choice what she does with her own body, whether or not anyone else agrees with her. I myself could not do it, unless perhaps there were extenuating circumstances, but I cannot tell another woman not to do it. It's her fucking right. Then I saw this at the bottom of the article about Santorum's view on abortion:

"He told the Christian Broadcasting Network that for decades, slavery allowed blacks to be treated like property. He said fetuses are denied the right to life because they are considered property."

I think smoke came out of my ears. For thousands of years across the globe (or what was considered the "globe" thousands of years ago), slaves were considered property. Bought and sold like any other commodity. Eventually people came to their senses and realized that those slaves are, in fact, people, too and perhaps should be treated as such. However, maybe it's just me, but I don't think that people these days think of a fetus as "property". I know I sure as shit don't. Nor does my family. Nor do my friends. While I realize there are women out there that, in a sense, give abortion a bad name by using that as their form of birth control, my bet is that a lot of women actually give it some thought. It's a big decision. I would hope that the average woman would make an educated decision about whether or not she's capable (financially, physically, emotionally, etc.) of raising a child and caring for it. I know women who have had abortions. Do I think any less of them? Nope. Not at all. They simply made a decision based on how their lives were. Some regretted it, or still felt sad about it, but in the end they know they made the right decision at that time. And that, folks, is what really matters.

 While homosexuality is not my preference, again, far be it for me to tell another how to live. If that's what floats your boat and makes you happy, then you have a right to pursue happiness. I cannot understand how people think that gay marriage is ruining the world and is a threat to the institution of marriage. Okay, then how many heterosexual couple make it these days? It's not the gays fault that hetero's divorce 50% of the time. Being gay does not make them bad people. People who love each other and want to share it with their families should have a fucking right to do so.

"She stands by the points that are outlined in the pledge," she said. "Particularly the ones for strong marriage. She's been happily married for 32 years. That's the focus of the pledge."

Should I tell her that my Granny & Granddad were married for 66 years? Kinda blows her 32 years out of the water. Yes, marriage has somewhat become a farce in a sense - as soon as it gets tough, someone files for divorce. It's sad to see so many marriages ending in divorce - I don't care if it's been 6 months or 40 years. It's terrible to see families split up and kids used as chess pieces so that adults can get what they want. But I'll tell you this - Gagman Bachmann signing this pledge isn't going to improve anything. The only way divorce will die down is if people try their absolute hardest to make it work.

If she gets elected, I'm moving to another country and say I'm Canadian. (note to self: find passport) Everyone likes Canadians. Not only that, but I'd be too fucking embarrassed to be from a country that elects such a fucktard. I'm embarrassed that she's a Republican front runner - because I tend to vote Republican. Please don't hold that against me - because I wouldn't vote for her if she were the last politician in the universe. Nor the other douche-canoe.

Sticking a fork in my eye would be preferable. Although I'd really hate for it to come to that. So therefore, these douche nozzles can suck a fart out of my ass.


  1. Wow! This got ur panties in a bunch now didn't it? I don't blame you. I heard about it from the show The View, and couldn't believe it myself.

    I agree with you 100%.

    Canada, or at least this Canadian welcomes you!


  2. Well said! There is no excuse for someone who is trying to be elected into such a high-powered political position to be signing such offensive documents WITHOUT reading them. She and that shit for brains Palin really need to crawl back into whatever creepy little holes they climbed out of. What an embarrassment to have people like this running for office.

  3. CBG - Oh yes it did! lol I feel better now though! And I'm glad at least one Canadian welcomes me. :o)

    Empress - Oh I know! If only we were in charge of the world. lol
